Download and Invoice
The first time signing in as new user, two (2) images can be downloaded. After approval the site are open to unlimited downloads. Immediate approval can be done by calling +45 40286815.
Downloaded images are considdered as bought, if not agreed otherwise. Prices are as Pricelist - Archive Photo
Immediate after the images are used, the user shall send a copy of the printed matter, link to website etc. and will be Invoiced for use of copyright. Remember to state print run etc. for a correct Invoice.
Image quality
Image quality for web, powerpoint, screen, etc. 72 ppi are downloaded in .jpg-format to maximum quality (11/12) Downloads are in different size up to 1500 pixel on the long side. Webphotos are with sRGB colourprofile, with applied sharpening (Unsharp Maske).
Downloaded images for print are in .jpg-format, without further compression (12/12). This quality can be printed in full delivered size without any problem. Images are with Adobe RGB (1998) colour-profile. Optimised for print, i.e. no clipping in highlight or shadow areas and without out-of-gamut to CMYK (Euroscale coated v2), and with a full range of tones.
Pay attention; The images does not have any applied sharpening (Unsharp Mask). Important to pass this information to lay-out/printer! You learn more in depth on image quality and original here
Photos are not for lending or onward selling.
Photos are used at the user's liability, including photo of individuals.
Photocredit shall be as such - except when used in commercial advertising: Photo: Bert Wiklund/