Price list

Pricelist - Archive Photo

Selection-, price- and deliveryterms

Chooce currency:

Non-commercial use

Periodicals, folder, etc ...
Numbers printed Black/White Color
up to 10.000 30 40 65 75
up to 50.000 35 45 70 85
up to 100.000 40 50 80 90
up to 500.000 60 75 115 135
over 500.000 70 85 140 170
Full page 50% 50%
Double-spread, back page 75% 75%
Front page 100% 100%
Black/White Color
33 40 65 80
Full page 50% 50%
Double-spread, back page 75% 75%
Front page 100% 100%
Black/White Color
From 130 160 230 275
Black/White Color
85 105 175 210
Inter- & Intranet
26 30
Numbers printed Black/White Color
1 70 85 140 170
up to 1.000 105 125 210 250
over 1.000 130 155 255 300
Excess of picture size
over 0,5 m² 50% 50%
over 1,0 m² 100% 100%
Powerpoint and similar
26 30
TV-use, price per broadcating
55 60

Commercial advertising

Ads, brochures, packaging, etc.
Numbers printed Black/White Color
up to 10.000 65 75 130 155
up to 100.000 90 110 175 210
up to 500.000 130 155 260 310
up to 1.000.000 160 195 325 395
over 1.000.000 235 285 470 565
Calendars, postcards
Numbers printed Black/White Color
up to 10.000 115 140 230 275
up to 100.000 230 275 460 550
over 100.000 295 355 590 710
Inter- & Intranet
67 75
Poster, Display, Exhibition
Numbers printed Black/White Color
up to 100 80 95 160 195
up to 1.000 175 210 355 425
up to 100.000 340 410 680 815
Excess of picture size
over 0,5 m² 50% 50%
over 1,0 m² 100% 100%
Powerpoint and similar
67 75
TV-use, price per broadcating
max. 10 seconds use 105 115
over 10 seconds use 125 142

Selection-, price- and deliveryterms

  1. All prices are excl. VAT, net cash, and covers the reprofee per photo used in one language/country
  2. Re-reproduction yields a 50% discount. Re-reproduction is when the photo are used unchanged in lay-out and size. For example when a printed brochure also are at display on the internet.
  3. Black/white repro from color is charged as black/white.
  4. A Collage of different photos is priced by number of photos used.
  5. Photocredit shall be as such - except when used in commercial advertising: Photo: Bert Wiklund/
  6. Photos are not for lending or onward selling
  7. The photos are used at the user's liability, including photo of individuals
  8. The buyer shall as far as possible supply a free copy of the material in witch the photos are used.
  9. Payment term: Running month plus 15 days. Invoicing to third party only when prior agreement.
  10. When in doubt always contact BWfoto.
  11. Buying of min. 10 photos in the same issue release a rebate of -15%