

Lightbox is your personal tool for collecting images to a project. Lightboxes are available when you are a registered and have logged in. You make a Lightbox by clicking on "CREATE LIGHTBOX" when logging in. If you like to make multiple Lightboxes to different projects, just click on "CREATE LIGHTBOX". Give your Lightbox name and click Enter. To ad image to your lightbox, just click on the Icon in thumnail mode, or Add to lightbox in preview mode. You have access anytime to all you Lightbox, by clicking on "Show" When collecting are finished, go to your Lightbox by clicking "Show". In the Lightbox-page you can delete any photos by clicking "Delete".

If you like to send the photos in a Lightbox to a third party, just click on "Send Link". You will enter your mail program, with a Link to the photos on The e-mail are sent in the usual way.

To download images just click on Download.
To get a larger preview of the small photos in the list, you just need to click on the photos

Everytime you login, all your old lightboxes remains for a half year. You can always work on an old lightbox, until you delete it.